El mejor post para aprender el verbo «HAVE GOT» ( verbo «tener» en español)


Hola a todos, en esta entrada encontraréis diferentes recursos para empezar a practicar el verbo tener en inglés (to have got).

Lo ideal es ver un par de veces cada vídeo y repetir oralmente en la segunda ocasión.

Estos vídeos y otros similares aparecen en youtube pero yo ya os los dejo dentro de esta entrada para mayor comodidad del usuario.








I have got (I’ve got)

You have got (You’ve got)

He has got (He’s got)

She has got (She’s got)

It has got (It’s got)

We have got (We’ve got)

You have got (You’ve got)

They have got (They’ve got)





I have not got (I haven’t got)

You have not got (You haven’t got)

He has not got (He hasn’t got)

She has not got (She hasn’t got)

It has not got (It hasn’t got)

We have not got (We haven’t got)

You have not got (You haven’t got)

They have not got (They haven’t got)





Have I got?

Have you got?

Has he got?

Has she got?

Has it got?

Have we got?

Have you got?

Have they got?

Un saludo a todos y espero que encontréis útil esta entrada del verbo ‘(to) have got’


Ahora puedes practicar con un test:

Choose the correct sentence (elige la frase correcta)

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct sentence (elige la frase correcta)

Choose the correct option.

Correct! Wrong!

(Yo) tengo un coche rojo.

Choose the correct option.

Correct! Wrong!

Ella tiene un hijo.

Choose the correct option.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct option.

Choose the correct option.

Correct! Wrong!

I have got=..........

Choose the correct option

Correct! Wrong!

You have not got=

Choose the correct translation

Correct! Wrong!

Have you got?

Choose the correct translation.

Correct! Wrong!

Have we got?

Choose the correct sentence

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct sentence.

Choose the correct sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct sentence.

Choose the correct option

Correct! Wrong!

¿Qué pasa? / ¿Cuál es el problema/situación?

Choose the correct option

Correct! Wrong!

No tienes un resfriado

Choose the correct option.

Correct! Wrong!

Tengo dolor de cabeza.

Yo tengo dolor de cabeza

Correct! Wrong!

Ella tiene dolor de estómago

Correct! Wrong!

Tú no tienes un resfriado.

Correct! Wrong!

Tenemos educación física ahora.

Correct! Wrong!

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